Sunday, July 24, 2016

I love Ikea.

We  decided to refurnish our living area.   After feeling cramped, disorganized  and gloomy,  we decided to make some  changes.   We went to  Ikea for some ideas to replace our existing  leather couch.  We need a bed for when  we have  guests.    Our first  thought  was an air mattress.   During our visit to Ikea  we went to the couch /futon area.    We had a few choices.    We even  decided on one.    As we continued on our trek through  the  store I spied a kitchen  island.    I  thought we could  use it for  a  table,  counter.  We would  access  the  shelves below by cutting  openings in the divider below.     The possibilities  are  warming  up  now.    We continued out with  some ideas.   When we came upon  the daybed section.   I  saw a white daybed.    It has storage  below it.     .    We continued and left with our ideas.    We went home.   Came up  with  a  time plan,    we listed our old couch  on Craigslist and sold it in an hour.    We returned a week later and purchased our new furniture.     We came  home and started the  project.    We used gorilla wood glue as we assembled.   We started  with the island.    It wasn't too bad.    The daybed  was next.     We ordered our mattresses so we needed to  wait for them to come in.    But the difference  surely  lifted the mood in the Rv.    It's  bright  useful  and cleaner.   The next day was rearrange  storage of our stuff.    I moved into the drawers with linens.  Norm moved to  the  less accessible old linen area.     I  love it. This was definitely needed.

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